Wear It Purple Day Friday September 7th 2012

Wear it Purple is a student-run organization that has the primary purpose of supporting rainbow young people, as well as raising awareness about the issues they face and the need to eradicate bullying based on sexuality and gender diversity. We want to help create a world that is safe for these young people, within which they are celebrated and can thrive! We seek to encourage and empower these young people to be proud of who they are.
Wear it Purple uses the term rainbow to be all-inclusive of people who are sexuality and gender diverse, same-sex attracted, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer – just to name a few (among many) – or those who choose not to ascribe themselves a label. This list is in no way exhaustive, and so we use rainbow as an umbrella term to ensure the entire spectrum is covered.
Our annual Wear it Purple Day, September 7, is fast approaching. On the day we ask people to wear purple wherever they are to show their support of rainbow young people. We want these young people everywhere to know that there are people who unconditionally love and support them, and celebrate them for who they are.
There are many ways that you and your organisation can jump on board and show your support of rainbow young people for Wear it Purple Day 2012. Firstly, we ask you to please wear an item of PURPLE on Friday, September 7. Some more ways include:
- ‘Like’ us on Facebook (facebook.com/wearitpurple) and join our event page to show that you’re a supporter and to stay updated on others ways to join the movement!
- Follow us on Twitter (@wearitpurple) and re-tweet our messages of support and information about the day so that it will be dispersed into your networks.
- Host a Wear it Purple Day event in your workplace, school or organization.
Please email us at contact@wearitpurple.org for further information about hosting your own event or to find out about other ways you can get involved in Wear it Purple Day 2012!
We thank you in advance for your support of this movement and, most importantly, of the precious rainbow young people for whom we work. With everyone’s help, this message has the ability to go viral, and the power to improve countless lives.
Love from the Wear it Purple Team
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