LGBT-friendly sexual assault services in Western Sydney

Integrated Violence Prevention and Response Services (IVPRS) provide sexual assault services to meet the range of needs of children, young people and adults who have experienced sexual assault.
They state: "We provide services that respect and value diversity in all its forms, and welcome persons of diverse sexuality and gender and their families."
Springfield Cottage Sexual Assault Service: Governor Phillip Hospital, Corner of Glebe and
Springfield Place, Penrith. Provides specialised support, counselling and information to adults, young people and children who have experienced sexual assault. The service provides crisis and ongoing counselling, information and support for non-offending caregivers/family members, court preparation and support, groups for children, young people and adults, and support/access to medical or forensic examinations.
Business hours: Springfield Cottage 4734 2512
After hours & public holidays: Nepean Hospital 4734 2000
Grevillea Cottage Sexual Assault Service: Darcy Rd, Westmead Hospital Campus, (near Dental
Services), Westmead. Provides specialised support, counselling and information to adults and young people (over 16 years of age) who have experienced sexual assault. The service provides crisis and ongoing counselling, information and support for non-offending caregivers/family members, court preparation and
support, groups for young people and adults, and support/access to medical or forensic examinations.
Business hours: Grevillea Cottage 9845 7940
After hours & public holidays: Westmead Hospital 9845 5555
Blacktown / Mt Druitt Sexual Assault Service: Blacktown Community Health Centre, Unit 1,
Marcel Crescent, Blacktown. Provides specialised support, counselling and information to adults, young people and children who have experienced sexual assault. The service provides crisis and ongoing counselling, information and support for non-offending caregivers/family members, court preparation and support and groups for children, young people and adults.
Business hours: Blacktown/Mt Druitt SAS 9881 8700
After hours & public holidays:
For children - Children’s Hospital at Westmead 9845 0000
For Adults - Westmead Hospital 9845 5555
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