Best Practice Responses Forum & Training: Intimate Partner Sexual Violence

DATE: 17th & 18th March 2011
VENUE: Vibe Savoy Hotel, 630 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria.
The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse, in association with the
Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault are organising a forum (17th March) and training day (18th) bringing together policy makers and practitioners from the domestic/family violence and sexual assault sectors to examine how we can improve the way we respond to victim/survivors of intimate partner sexual violence.
The forum will canvas the responses from both sectors; focus on client-centered responses, as well as look at innovative service delivery models.
The training day, which is limited to 25 people only, will provide more in depth training to improve the way you or your service responds to this particular client group. Speakers include:
- Debra Parkinson (Women’s Health Goulburn North East)
- Julie Tyler (Women’s Health Goulburn North East)
- Jill Duncan (CASA House)
- Dr Deborah Western (Monash University)
- Dr Antonia Quadara (Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault)
For more information, details of both events and to register:
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