Looking After Yourself

There is a range of things you can do to care for yourself and to recover
a sense of safety, self-worth and control over your life. These can

  • Ensure you are as safe as possible. If necessary or possible move house, maybe change the locks on the doors. The NSW Police have a booklet on Residential Security which you can get on their website.
  • Recognise that recovery will take time. Give yourself that time to grieve the loss of the relationship and the hopes and expectations you had of it.
  • Accept that there are going to be good days and bad days. Think about ways you might deal with the bad days. If there continues to be more bad days than good you might be experiencing depression and it’s advisable to seek a professional counsellor.
  • Talk about your feelings. You could talk to trusted friends or family or to a professional counsellor. You can talk to staff at the Domestic Violence Line (1800 65 64 63) anonymously.
  • Continue to use professional support services. If you’re seeing a counsellor then keep seeing them after the relationship has finished.
  • Do things to spoil yourself. It’s important that you practice looking after yourself. Think about things that make you feel happy and put time and (if necessary) money aside to do them. this could be as simple as having a bubble bath or taking yourself to the movies
  • If you lost contact with friends or family during the relationship make contact with them again.
  • Make new friends by joining a GLBT or other support, social or special interest group. If you’re into playing sport join a local sporting group or maybe do a TAFE or adult education class. The Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service has an extensive data base of community groups (8594 9596 or 1800 184 527, 5.30pm to 10.30pm, 7 days)
  • Find out if you are eligable for victims’ compensation.  To find out more call the Victims’ Compensation Tribunal (9374 3111 or 1800 069 054).
  • Look into volunteer work. Many people find supporting others to be a nurturing experience.