About Us
Volunteers recruited by the SSDVI to promote healthy relationships at Fair Day 2009, Victoria Park, Sydney.
The LGBTIQ Domestic Violence Interagency (formally the Same Sex Domestic Violence Interagency) was formed in April 2001 in Sydney, Australia, as the result of a number of non-Government and Government agencies coming together with the aim of creating a collaborative response to the issues surrounding same sex domestic violence. The Interagency has a broad membership and has met consistently for the last 10 years.
A key strength of the interagency is its longevity due to the commitment by its members and the diversity of agencies that they represent. The interagency has representatives from many fields of expertise working to provide services to respond to domestic violence. From police to health care workers, community organisations to private practitioners, each member is committed to creating awareness of domestic violence in LGBTIQ relationships to the wider community and working towards the provision of adequate services for people experiencing this violence. The interagency is unfunded and relies on the kind support and volunteer hours supplied by participating individuals and agencies.